14 Mar 2013

Yes, I like stormy weather from my window sill

 ( Jeans -New Look, Scarf -H&M )


It was still cold and still windy when i woke up, bright and early ready for college, but still I wasn't very motivated when dressing and kind of just chucked on anything that looked comfortable. I wore my boyfriend jeans with the pretty standard combo of boots and leather jacket - but everything is made slightly more exiting with the bit of sparkle in the jumper, and the (unintentional) amount of red.

 ( Jeans -H&M, Coat -Dorothy Perkins )

 As you can probably tell from the photos that it was extremely windy today, my hair looks even more wilder than usual if thats even possible but I thought it would be appropriate to wear my black knitted jumper. To contrast with my jumper I wore my light pastel blue high waisted jeans with my cut out leather boots to give a visually dramatic look with the use of colours.

Caitlin & Alyna.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hey, girls- thank you for your comment, we can definitely follow each other;)
    I'am following you now, hope you do the same;)X


  3. cool outfits girls :)

