Jumper -Primark, Necklace -River Island, Jacket -Zara, Jeans -New Look, Shoes -Next
Today was that horrible day,the one where you have to set the alarm in the morning again and wake up even before the birds,then to drag yourself pretty much totally asleep through the cold to endure an exciting full day of lessons. Yay!
The stupid time I woke up and my lack of motivation for what lay during the day ahead, I ended up in this outfit, looking very... casual.And random.
It wasn't until we took the photos that I realised I looked like some american kindergartener, I could blend in very well with the cast of Matilda probably - pigtails and then i'm sorted (and if I was about 3ft shorter). The american mom style jeans (or boyfriend jeans)and shoes that I was told by my sister 'look like what I used to wear to school when I was 5' (though the cutesy-ness is toughed by the studs, couldn't wear them in year R).Today I was even told i looked cute.Wow, a first. I'm wearing just a black jumper,the check scarf was to add a bit of colour as well as preventing against the extreme cold. Summer needs to come soon!
Despite all that I actually quite like this outfit, I don't really know why.
It's probably the early morning as to why I look so unimpressed, also I just thought i'd say brightening up the atmosphere of the pictures is the wonderfully inspiring, artistic background courtesy of our lovely college. Isn't it just so happy! Well, anyway it does the trick.
Off to think happier thoughts and prepare for an exciting day tomorrow!!
Coat -Dorothy Perkins, Jumper -Vintage, Jeans - Primark, Boots -Office
So first day back to college after having a pretty lazy half term and i must admit , i was not looking forward to getting up at 6:30 so today i was going for more a simple yet elegant look.
I decided to wear my vintage knitted jumper with my black skinny jeans with my light maroon camel coat and black faux fur to achieve a feminine look and create a visual texture.
Caitlin & Alyna